To Honor and Cherish...

I think that weddings of course are beautiful in any season. In the Spring, you get to smell lovely fragrant flowers, in the Summer, the sun lends its grace and shines brightly, in the Fall, the changing autumn leaves gives us a magical show, and the Winter evokes a white somewhat mystical wonderland!

It seems as though family members and friends alike have chosen 2009 to be the year in which they embark upon a wonderful merriment of new beginnings & I have the pleasure of trying of not only celebrating and rejoicing with them, but also...trying to figure out what to wear. With a wedding happening this weekend and another in two weeks...I've only found one dress that may make it to at least one of the weddings {smile}.

Whelp here she
is in her brightly colored top glory. It's beautiful I believe and think it would be most appropriate {although I will need something to cover my arms} for the brightly hued wedding ceremony in two weeks!

{photo courtesy of Anthropologie}

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